What parents need to know about the influence of Queer Theory on RSE in Wales
A leaflet explaining a bit about Queer Theory and RSE in Wales.
A Review of the UNESCO & WHO Standards Comprehensive Sexuality Education
"This is a review of two standards documents produced by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) and the World Health Organisation (WHO) respectively, which underpin the global initiative for Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE), currently promoted by UNESCO’s ‘Foundation or Life and Love Campaign.’ This review is not an argument for or against responsible, age-appropriate sex and relationships education in schools. It is an analysis of current global standards and approaches to sexuality education. The review was one of conceptual analysis taken from a safeguarding perspective."
A Review of the Relationships & Sexuality Education Curriculum in Wales
This is a review of the core documents behind Wales’s new Relationships and Sexuality Education curriculum mandatory code and guidance. This work has been undertaken independently by
anonymous citizens in Wales in order to understand its content, origins and intent.
At the time of writing, the authors were aware that a Judicial Review had been granted in relation to the Welsh RSE curriculum. The authors are not affiliated to the claimants nor the defendants,
nor do they have any knowledge of the case.
The Curriculum for Wales
Relationships and Sexuality
Education Code
Information within this document is produced as guidance for: this guidance is statutory for the following:
the head teacher of a maintained school or a
maintained nursery school, the governing body of a maintained school or a
maintained nursery school, a provider of funded non-maintained nursery
education, the teacher in charge of a pupil referral unit, the management committee for a pupil referral unit, a person who provides teaching and learning for a, child, otherwise than at a maintained school,
maintained nursery school or pupil referral unit
(EOTAS), a local authority in Wales
The document below is an information guide that we have put together for you. Titled Curriculum 2022 - What You Need To Know About RSE/CSE.
BEWARE, the content is not suitable for children under the age of 16.
Here you will find a number of official documents from organisations such as the WHO, Welsh Government, UNESCO and Wavehill. There are also links to the websites of Judith Reisman and Miriam Grossman for further reading and research into this topic. You will also find the global report produced by The Institute for Research & Evaluation - Stan E. Weed.
WHO (World Health Organisation) Standards for Sexuality Education in Europe
A framework for policy makers, educational and health authority specialists (2010). This document promotes Comprehensive Sexuality Education from birth. Please read the matrix carefully (page 40). This is important because this is the document all 4 UK governments agreed to, as indicated above.
The Legislation
The Curriculum and Assessment (Wales) Act 2021. According to this Act RSE is a mandatory subject from age 3-16 with no parental opt out. It states Ministers do not have to consult parents if they do not believe it is necessary. This type of legislation is usually the end of the road, if your country do not have it now they soon will.
Sexual and Reproductive Rights of Children
One of the main features of Comprehensive Sexuality Education is sexual rights. Th Welsh Government removed this information from our petition. Here in Wales Children's Rights override parental rights, children are encouraged to exercise rights over parents, this will include the sexual and reproductive rights as referenced in UNESCO (2018). Scotland are currently pushing these rights in their schools.
Earlier Consultations, Drafts & Reports (Wales)
Relationships and Sexuality Education
Guidance and Code: Consultation Analysis
November 2021
Comprehensive Sexuality Education: Dangers & Concerns
Judith Reisman

Sexual Behaviour in the Human Male 1948 by Alfred Kinsey